Between 2015 and 2016 I was involved as a consultant in a project that offered a Brazilian state government decision support tools capable of pointing out thematic areas (maternal health or high complexity, technical or high school education, asphaltic resurfacing on roads or streets etc.) and territories (municipalities and regions) to be prioritized to receive public resources investments. The objective of this project was that scarce public resources could be invested where they are most needed. The result would be the improvement of people’s standard of living and, consequently, a better evaluation of the public administration.

We wanted to guide the efforts of government (efficiency) and society (multistakeholder synergy) in the long term around clearly defined social goals. On the government side, we hoped to improve the effectiveness of public spending in the social area (improving the standard of living of people from public investment), as for the companies, to be able to converge investments in social compensation according to local development plans and finally, on the social sector, to engage NGOs in the program, through synergistic actions.

Read the full article by Rodrigo Bandeira at Medium