Technology has been central to the shifts we have made to weather the pandemic: Work, school, and social gatherings moved online virtually overnight, and organizations had to ensure they too were prepared to navigate and thrive in a tech-dependent world. And while the shift to digital has been ongoing – in fact, PEAK members have been in the vanguard of adopting and adapting digital grantmaking systems and processes for years – 2020 intensified the pace of change and the urgency around conversations about the intersection between technology and equity.

To facilitate some of these important conversations and build a movement of tech futurists leveraging technology to advance equity and justice, PEAK partnered with Technology Association of Grantmakers, GrantAdvisor, and Grantbook to present a dynamic four-part Philanthropy, Tech & Equity learning series in late 2020. Structured around the components of building a social movement, the sessions tackled four themes: Start with Community. Understand the Context. Apply an Equity Lens. Develop Shared Vision.

Here, we summarize some key takeaways from each of the four sessions, providing links to the on-demand webinars for our members, along with resources recommended by the panelists.

Some key insights and recommendations from our panelists include:

  1. Ask for honest feedback about your systems from your applicants and grantees and listen carefully to their responses.
  2. The number one, most oft-cited pain point for nonprofits is word and character limits in online philanthropy tech.
  3. Always start with relationship-building and listening, and be open to right-sizing your systems and processes to meet nonprofits where they are.

Read the full article about insights on philanthropy, tech, and equity by Elizabeth Guthrie at PEAK Grantmaking.