Giving Compass' Take:

• Educators in Memphis are addressing disparities in contracts between local schools and minority-owned businesses. 

What are some underlying causes for the racial disparities in Tenessee school districts? 

• Read about the three ways to encourage minority entrepreneurship. 

School leaders in Memphis, home to Tennessee’s largest district, are attempting to mitigate disparities in business contracts highlighted by a study of Shelby County Schools. The most egregious finding from the study was related to school construction: Although black-owned businesses comprise more than a third of the local construction industry, they were awarded less than 1 percent of those contracts.

Here are three suggestions of how school districts can promote economic equity in their cities:

  1. Start by finding out how much your school district is spending with businesses owned by women and people of color. 
  2. Meet with local business leaders regularly.
  3. Once goals are in place, track the progress — and hold leaders accountable.

Read the full article about ways to support minority businesses by Laura Faith Kebede by Chalkbeat.