As a high school senior, my classmates and I are excited to be preparing for the next stages of our lives. For some of us, that means college; others will join the military, and still others will head straight into the workforce.

But are we prepared for the jobs that await us? So much has been written about the “skills gap” — the difference between the subjects we learn in high school and the skills imperative to land and succeed in today’s high-demand occupations, like Healthcare, IT, and Construction.

I firmly believe all high school kids should be exposed to robust skills training programs in high school, even if they do plan to go on to college. Career Technical Education (CTE) offers students real-world courses of study that equip them with in-demand skills, thus preparing them for the next chapter of their lives (which will hopefully include being gainfully employed)!

Specifically, CTE offers students the chance to gain exposure to a wide variety of potential career paths and job descriptions, so when they enter the workforce they’re ready on Day One to fill the in-demand and lucrative roles within our nation’s most critical industries. It’s a win-win for the student and the employer!

Read the full article about the need for CTE skills training by Grace Belize Anderson at Getting Smart