
Addressing the Nonprofit "Needs Gap"

Host Organization: Northern California Grantmakers


Capacity building is a concept we can all get behind.  Both grantseekers and grantmakers know this is the base for long term sustainability and organizational effectiveness. So why does it continue to be so elusive in our sector and what’s the latest thinking on what is really needed and how best to make it happen?

Come hear the latest insights from the Center for Effective Philanthropy’s (CEP) 2018 report, Strengthening Grantees, where findings demonstrate there is a Needs Gap between what nonprofits request funding for compared to their actual needs. If grantees are not being forthright with their funders around their actual organizational needs, how can funders best provide impactful capacity building support?

Hear firsthand from three nonprofit executives on what they really need to be successful, what resources they are leveraging, and how some funders are focusing on power shifting in order to create safe environments for nonprofits to elevate their true needs.

This program is hosted in partnership with the Center for Effective Philanthropy and Catchafire.

Join us to learn: 

  • Foundation and nonprofit perspectives, as shared in CEPs’ Strengthening Grantees Report
  • How local nonprofits are addressing their organizational Needs Gap

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