
Trust-Based Webinar Series: Solicit & Act on Feedback

Host Organization: Trust-Based Philanthropy Project and Philanthropy CA


Philanthropy California and the Trust-Based Philanthropy Project invite you to join us for a monthly webinar series for funders. Each month, we’ll explore each of the six trust-based principles that, when practiced together, help alleviate power imbalance in the sector. Each webinar will explore the nuts and bolts of putting the principles to practice, while offering opportunities for peer learning and reflection.

In the fifth of our seven-part series, we’ll explore soliciting & acting on feedback, one of the core principles of a trust-based approach. Why? Because grantee partners provide valuable perspective that can help make our work better and more effective as funders. So what are some ways to solicit feedback well? And what are some faceplant moments that others have had that we should avoid? And what do we do if a grantee offers feedback we don’t like, or simply can’t accommodate? Join us as we explore all the various scenarios of when and how to solicit feedback, what various tools you can use to get insights into your practice, and how to keep grantee partners in the loop on how you’re incorporating their feedback (or not).


  • Pia Infante, Co-Executive Director, The Whitman Institute
  • Philip Li, President & CEO, Robert Sterling Clark Foundation
  • Austin Long, Center for Effective Philanthropy
  • Claire Peeps, Executive Director, Durfee Foundation
  • Shaady Salehi, Trust-Based Philanthropy Project

This webinar is co-hosted by Philanthropy California and is open to everyone. Register here: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEldeyrrDgvGdXKPFjUPnp5-lA9x_PAiJoA


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