Donate to the Critical Reproductive Access Fund:
Amalgamated Foundation's Critical Reproductive Access Fund will deploy and direct new resources to organizations responding to the abortion access crisis. This fund will support organizations providing direct funds to people seeking abortion services - including but not limited to - cost for procedures, travel costs, meals, dependent care and more.
The CRAF is a grassroots fundraising effort led by Amalgamated Bank employees, strategically guided by field partners, and open to individuals, institutions, and other allies looking to financially support reproductive health and abortion access providers and seekers. The fund seeks to complement the broader reproductive justice movement and recognizes that barriers to abortion services disproportionally affect pregnant people, specifically BIPOC individuals who are already parents, people with disabilities, young people, immigrants and people with low incomes.
ACF is dedicated to supporting and increasing philanthropy by making grants to tax exempt organizations for their charitable, educational, scientific, literary or other 501c3 activities; promoting donor education and engagement, and civic community events.
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