
edFUND: West Contra Costa Public Education Fund

Host Organization: The West Contra Costa Public Education Fundmdi-circle-small Richmond, CA, United States mdi-circle-small


School District (WCCUSD) have launched a Covid-19 Rapid Response Fund to support vulnerable WCCUSD students and families. Serving almost 30,000 students, the Ed Fund and WCCUSD are committed to doing all we can to provide continuity of education and connect families to community resources to meet their basic needs, including rapid relief during this challenging and uncertain time.

The West Contra Costa Public Education Fund (Ed Fund) and West Contra Costa Unified During school closures and the COVID-19 crisis, the Ed Fund will be directing community donations to support families in need identified by the WCCUSD Office of Family & Community Engagement. Support could include groceries, internet services and other emergency needs that help stabilize families during this crisis.

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About the Host

The Ed Fund, West Contra Costa’s Public Education Fund, was founded in 1983 in response to the decline in funding to public education caused by the passage of Proposition 13. Proposition 13 severely cut funding to local public schools. In 2010, the Ed Fund recognized that there was a strong need in the community for someone to convene and align community partners in support of students of the West Costa Contra Unified School District. Beginning in 2011, the Ed Fund convened the West County College Access Network and Out-of-School Time Collaborative consisting of partner organizations representing the West Contra Costa Unified School District, Contra Costa College, city recreation departments, community based organizations, and local governmental agencies.

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