
Groundswell Fund: Rapid Response Fund

Host Organization: Groundswell Fundmdi-circle-small San Francisco, CA, United States mdi-circle-small


Groundswell’s Rapid Response Fund provides fast funding to grassroots organizations led by women of color, trans people of color, and low-income women and trans people in critical, but unexpected, fights to protect and advance reproductive and social justice.

A multi-issue fund, our Rapid Response Fund supports organizations on the frontlines, defending the most vulnerable communities with timely, flexible grants with an emphasis on funding in states and communities where women of color, transgender people of color, and low-income women and trans people-led organizing is under-resourced.

During this acute phase of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have broadened our Rapid Response Fund criteria to support organizing groups to respond to the immediate needs of their communities.

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About the Host

Groundswell Fund is the only national foundation led by women of color and transgender people of color who come directly out of community, labor and electoral organizing. More than 300 donors and 30 foundations give us dollars to redistribute because they believe that when resources are directed by this kind of leadership, the giving will look different.

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