
Luminos Fund

Host Organization: The Luminos Fundmdi-circle-small Boston, MA, United States mdi-circle-small


There are 258 million children around the world who do not know how to read or write. Children who are out of primary school are uniquely challenged to develop vital skills and keep up with educated peers over time.

The Luminos Fund was founded to ensure children everywhere get a chance to experience joyful learning, especially those denied an education by poverty, conflict, and discrimination. Our vision is of a world where no child is ever denied the chance to learn. Luminos currently operate classrooms in Ethiopia, Lebanon, and Liberia where students live in very challenging circumstances. Many are the first in their family to receive an education.

Luminos programs achieve inspiring, long-term results. Upon completion of our programs, over ninety percent of students advance into their local mainstream school, continuing on the path to opportunity. Even six years after completing Second Chance and transitioning into mainstream schools, Luminos children continue to fare better than their counterparts. Graduates of our program complete primary school at twice the rate of their peers.

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About the Host

The Luminos Fund works to ensure no child is ever denied an education, whether by poverty, crisis, or discrimination. Luminos is one of the few international, non-government organizations with a proven model, laser focus, and compelling track record for helping out-of-school children learn and catch up to grade level. Luminos programs achieve inspiring, long-term results. External research shows that graduates of the program complete primary school at twice the rate of their peers.

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