The North Dakota Community Foundation has created the ND COVID-19 Community & Nonprofit Response Fund to provide financial assistance to nonprofit organizations and governmental agencies in the state that are impacted by the pandemic. NDCF's Board of Directors has committed $50,000 of our Statewide Greatest Need Fund grantable dollars to seed this fund and we are asking individuals, businesses, and other foundations to consider a donation to help our nonprofit community at this time. Many of our nonprofits provide critical services to our most vulnerable populations - the elderly, in particular - and these services will be in high demand, at the same time as their fundraising events are being canceled.
The grants from this fund are intended to support efforts to "flatten the curve" of COVID-19 infections in North Dakota by helping our communities follow public health recommendations and help address the financial impact of following those recommendations. Grants can also be used to assist organizations in delivering critical services in their communities or region, especially if their staffing levels or supplies have been reduced by COVID-19 impacts, or if they serve vulnerable populations (like our senior citizens). Applicants may serve individuals, organizations, or communities, but individuals and businesses may not apply directly for grants.
The North Dakota Community Foundation was established in 1976 to improve the quality of life for North Dakota's citizens through charitable giving and promoting philanthropy. The organization currently manages over $100 million in assets in over 700 charitable funds, all benefiting North Dakota communities, charities, and citizens.
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