
Quad Cities Community Foundation: Disaster Recovery Fund

Host Organization: Quad Cities Community Foundationmdi-circle-small Bettendorf, IA, United States mdi-circle-small


The Quad Cities Disaster Recovery Fund was established in 2016 by the Quad Cities Community Foundation to provide support to organizations in Scott and Rock Island Counties, and ensures they have the resources to target our community’s long-term recovery efforts after a disaster. Funds will be used for needs here in the Quad Cities area. The fund provides assistance in the weeks and months after a disaster, when attention turns from emergency response to community recovery.

The Quad Cities Disaster Recovery Fund supports organizations providing basic needs services to people impacted by this pandemic through health and safety measures, economic distress, and increased need of support services. 100% of contributions will be granted back into the community swiftly.

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About the Host

The Quad Cities Community Foundation is the place where generous people make gifts to support their community, organizations and causes most important to them. We are a public charity committed to listening to our donors’ charitable goals and working alongside them to help them best meet their hopes and dreams.

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