
San Antonio Area Foundation: COVID-19 Response Fund

Host Organization: San Antonio Area Foundationmdi-circle-small San Antonio, TX, United States mdi-circle-small


The city’s nonprofit organizations are on the front lines of serving those hit hardest by the COVID-19 outbreak. To support their efforts, the San Antonio Area Foundation has teamed up with John L. Santikos Charitable Foundation, United Way of San Antonio and Bexar County, City of San Antonio, Bexar County, 80|20 Foundation, Tobin Endowment, Greehey Family Foundation, Kronkosky Charitable Foundation, Wells Fargo, JPMorgan Chase & Co., Mays Family Foundation, Bank of San Antonio, NuStar Energy, H. E. Butt Foundation, and Harvey E. Najim and the Najim Charitable Foundation to launch a COVID-19 Response Fund. The fund will support nonprofit organizations serving communities disproportionately and negatively affected by the health, economic, education, housing and social impacts of the coronavirus outbreak.

As of March 20, the fund is valued at over $2.7 million, and partners aligned to this effort are growing exponentially. The Area Foundation is hosting the fund, waiving administrative fees, and encouraging businesses and philanthropic partners to join in the response.

The fund will provide grants to local nonprofits addressing five key areas: the economic impact of reduced and lost work due to the broader coronavirus outbreak; the immediate needs of economically vulnerable populations caused by COVID-19 related closures; increased demand for medical information and support; fear and confusion about the outbreak amongst our most vulnerable residents; and resources available for families of school-aged children.

Grants will be provided on a rolling basis to ensure dollars are deployed in the community quickly and responsively.

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We are San Antonio's community foundation. We help people make meaningful gifts to improve the quality of life today and for generations to come. We provide a simple, powerful and highly personal approach to giving -- so your gifts impact the community, forever.

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