
Seattle Public Schools & Alliance for Education: Education Equity Fund

Host Organization: Alliance for Educationmdi-circle-small Seattle, WA, United States mdi-circle-small


The Alliance for Education and Seattle Public Schools created the Education Equity Fund to ensure students can continue to learn during the COVID-19 crisis, especially students furthest from educational justice.

Donations will fund:

1. Internet access for students so they can engage in remote learning
2. Technical assistance for families so they can support their students
3. Printed learning materials to supplement online student learning
4. Laptops for educators so they can continue to connect with and support students remotely

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About the Host

We are committed to an educational system that equitably supports each child in the diverse community that is Seattle Public Schools. We believe that this commitment can best be actualized by placing racial diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging at the forefront of our organizational culture, strategy and community relationships. We value diversity, equity, and inclusion in all aspects of our work. We strive to ensure the diversity of our community is reflected in our staff, board and partners, and that those voices are engaged at meaningful levels of programming, policy and decision-making.

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