
Southern Partners Fund: COVID-19 Response Fund

Host Organization: Southern Partners Fundmdi-circle-small Atlanta, GA, United States mdi-circle-small


Southern Partners Fund’s core value of democratic philanthropy is incorporated in its response to COVID-19. Its COVID-19 grantmaking committee consists entirely of people of color rural grassroots community leaders from the states eligible to receive COVID-19 funds. SPF COVID-19 grants are funded through its Justice Fund for Disaster Relief and Renewal, formed to heal the devastation following hurricanes Katrina and Rita and has continued funding similar relief efforts with each subsequent calamity.

SPF grantees are connecting government agencies at local, state, and national levels to vulnerable populations, lobbying for test kits and protective gear for healthcare workers. They are helping rural small town and county governments to ask state health departments and FEMA the right questions, and to demand services be provided in their towns and counties. They are forming partnerships with local rural hospitals, helping them identify state and federal funds they need in order to stay open so they can serve grantee communities.

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About the Host

Democratic philanthropy is who we are. We are governed by a Board of Directors elected by our membership, made up entirely of people of color grassroots leaders from rural communities across our 12-state region.

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