Tahoe Truckee Community Foundation, including the Community Collaborative of Tahoe Truckee, is working closely with our direct service providers to help support our community members during these difficult times.
We are mindful to not duplicate efforts or create more work for this important front-line workforce. This crisis is putting increased pressure on a small nonprofit sector that is designed to serve economic, social and health gaps of a much smaller portion of our community. Now, they must shift logistics and operations to scale to the unmet needs of the entire community. To facilitate conversations and identify needs, we have developed the following framework.
Community Response Framework:
· Food Accessibility Focusing on staffing to scale volunteer coordination and distribution operations. Ensure there are trucks/vehicles for food distribution and increase food handling supplies. Supplement existing food distributions with grocery gift cards.
· Mental Health & Substance Use Focusing on increasing staff, specifically therapists and peer counselors. Investing in technology for virtual workforce and tele-therapy. Maintain youth specific programming and seek new on-line models to reach their needs.
· Shelter and Housing Support staffing and supplies for shelters and homeless resources. Securing alternative living arrangements for “Safe House” needs. Providing rental assistance.
· Essential Workforce Ensure that all measures are taken to protect, support and stabilize the frontline essential workforce. Work through existing partners to identify the size and need. Mobilize solutions to help keep them strong including but not limited to childcare needs, access to food, and mental health support.
· Senior Care Ensuring there is staffing to support outreach and delivery. Coordination and delivery of critical supplies and food.
· Census Count Identify opportunities to engage the community in a strong Census count of our community to ensure our share of public resources.
The Tahoe Truckee Emergency Respond Fund will provide flexible resources to nonprofit organizations that are working within our community and are impacted by COVID-19, also known as the coronavirus.
In coordination with public authorities and healthcare experts leading the response to this health crisis, along with community organizations and funding partners, TTCF is responding to local needs. One hundred percent (minus credit card processing fees) of contributions to this fund will be distributed to nonprofit organizations swiftly as needs arise.
TTCF has intentionally established this fund with flexibility in mind to ensure that these resources may support our community as conditions, circumstances, and needs change throughout this crisis.
Tahoe Truckee Community Foundation connects people and opportunities, generating resources to build a more caring, creative, and effective community.
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