Vetted Nonprofits and Funds

Help your donors make meaningful and impactful change by listing nonprofits and funds directly on your platform. Create robust search features, or highly targeted lists to fit your donors' interests.

Hand Curated and Vetted

Sourced from trusted grantmakers, our philanthropy team reviews each nonprofit and fund, considering the financial soundness of the organization, and their transparency of reporting, goals, and granting process. See the full vetting criteria here.

Equity- and Social Justice-Focused

Guided by the principles of Impact-Driven Philanthropy – equity, effectiveness, systems change, and transparency – Giving Compass curates articles, nonprofits, and events to help you learn about issues, get involved, and find ways to give with impact. We highlight nonprofits and funds focused on social justice efforts that often receive the least amount of funding but are closest to the solutions.

Targeted Content to Fit Your Needs

Our nonprofits and funds directory are available through a service API or as an easy to embed widget. Use customizable filters on either to create custom giving resources on your site.

How it Works

During the COVID-19 crisis, our issue funds helped power the National Center for Family Philanthropy COVID-19 response as well as the Gates Foundation's PowerOf site. Using our API services, each organization pulled funds tailored to their respective needs and had full control of how they were listed on their sites. The same nonprofits and funds API service also power the Giving Compass site. Take a look at our developer documentation.


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A 501(c)(3) organization. EIN: 85-1311683

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