It’s hard to ponder our education system for long and come away thinking it makes sense. This is especially true for our lack of choice in public education. Think about it: We aren’t assigned and restricted to specific grocery stores, hospitals, car dealerships, or churches based on where we happen to live. Even when tax dollars are involved, such as with food stamps or Medicaid, people can choose among a variety of private providers.

Parents of children below the age of five choose where — even whether — to send their children to preschool. Likewise, young adults choose whether and where to receive post-secondary education. Even when vouchers or state grants are involved, no one is assigned to a preschool or college based on where they live.

But when it comes to educating children in the 5–17 age range (give or take a bit depending on the state), it’s a completely different story.

Types of School Choice

Much of the growth in school choice has happened post-COVID. School closures led to Zoom schooling, which gave parents a front-row seat to see what their children were — or were not — being taught in school. In some cases, this resulted in values clashes, especially around sex education, gender ideology, and how racial issues are discussed. School choice supporters responded to these clashes by pointing out that choice lets people avoid the winner-takes-all political battles that are part and parcel of government-run schooling.

Media stories and union-led opposition campaigns often lump all school choice programs into one category called vouchers. However, there are several different types of programs that are quite distinct. Vouchers, such as the previously mentioned Milwaukee program, use state tax dollars and can only be used for private school tuition.

Tax credit scholarships are funded with donations from businesses or individuals who receive a credit on their state taxes in return for their donations. Education savings accounts (ESAs) are funded with tax dollars, but they can be used for a wide variety of educational expenses, not just tuition. Tax credit ESAs are funded like tax credit scholarships, but they function like ESAs in terms of what expenses they can fund. Individual tax credits or deductions give parents a credit or deduction on their individual state tax returns based on their education-related spending.

Read the full article about school choice by Colleen Hroncich at Cato Institute.