
A New World is Possible: Gender Lens and Social Inclusion Philanthropy in a Time of Covid-19

Host Organization: The Asia Foundation


Covid-19 has had global impacts on women and girls, including rising rates of domestic violence and economic insecurity, especially for Indigenous, black, and brown women. The pandemic has threatened progress across sectors, including health equity, education, and access to justice. Responding to this challenge requires supporting organizations, projects, and movements that advance gender equality and social inclusion. Join The Asia Foundation, Australian Communities Foundation, and Australian Women Donors Network to discuss how grantmaking organizations and individual philanthropists can apply a gender and social inclusion lens to their giving to achieve greater impact.

Maree Sidey, Chief Executive Officer, Australian Communities Foundation
Deanne Weir, Director, WeirAnderson Foundation and Asia Foundation Trustee
Julie Reilly, CEO, Australian Women Donors Network
Tuti B. Scott, Interim CEO, Tides Foundation USA
Lucy Lee, Technology Investor and Asia Foundation Lotus Circle Advisor

Jane Sloane, Senior Director for Women’s Empowerment and Gender Equality, The Asia Foundation


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