
Activating Grants and Investments to Fund Solidarity Economies

Host Organization: Justice Funders


Black, Indigenous and other People of Color most harmed by the extractive, capitalist economic system have long been doing the courageous work of leading a Just Transition away from it.

The most visionary BIPOC-led movements fighting for racial, economic and climate justice recognize that systems change requires bold solutions to simultaneously dismantle systems of oppression and also proactively build local, regenerative solidarity economies that prioritize people and the planet over profit and endless growth.

Can philanthropy follow the lead of our movements by investing in economic systems that are rooted in solidarity, collectivity and cooperation and centered on community ownership, self-determination and democratic governance? 

And can philanthropy trust the vision and leadership of Black, Indigenous and People of Color communities to build the political, cultural and economic power needed to build a world that looks radically different than what we have ever known? 

The philanthropic sector can play a powerful role in supporting bold solutions to systems change for a more regenerative and racially just future.

But doing so may require a new approach to grantmaking and investing that redistributes wealth, democratizes power and shifts economic control to communities in ways that are truly regenerative for people and the planet.

Join us for an interactive webinar with to:

  • Learn about BIPOC-led efforts to nourish local, regenerative solidarity economies that transition us away from the extractive economy;
  • Make connections between the work of transforming our economic system and the work of racial, economic, and climate justice movements that social justice funders are already supporting;
  • Shift mindsets and practices from “what we can fund” to “what we must fund” in order to achieve systems-level change;
  • Reimagine how both grants and investments can be activated to fund a wide breadth of projects that are critical for building economic power in BIPOC communities, including structures other than 501(c)3 and 501(c)4.


  • Noni Session & Annie McShiras, East Bay Permanent Real Estate Cooperative
  • Nia Evans & James Vamboi, Boston Ujima Project
  • Nwamaka Agbo, Kataly Foundation
  • Moderated by Katt Ramos, Richmond Our Power Coalition

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