
Another World is Possible: WTO+20 and the Justice Movements of Today

Host Organization: Town Hall Seattle, Community Alliance for Global Justice, & UFCW 21


Today in Seattle and around the world, social movements are taking to the streets, striking, locking down, and engaging in multiple forms of direct action. These tactics build collective power to transform the intersecting crises of our times into opportunities for equity, healing, and sustainability. In 1919 over 65,000 workers with held their labor during the Seattle General Strike. In 1999 over 50,000 people took to the streets of Seattle and shut down the World Trade Organization’s conference.

Now 20 years later we gather to honor this history, and the power of non-violent direct action, through story-telling, trainings, and movement-building workshops, to make another world possible. Activists who were part of the mobilization share stories and lessons learned from the people’s movement which made history by successfully preventing the WTO—one of capitalism’s most powerful global institutions—from further consolidating its power. Hear from leaders of today’s movements for justice, from Washington farmworkers to global alliances. Join the WTO+20 gathering for hands-on direct action training, arts workshops, story-telling, and opportunities to plug into local organizing.

Presenters will include:

  • Ramon Torres & Edgar Franks, Familias Unidas por la Justicia
  • Paul Cheoketen Wagner, Founder of Protectors of Salish Sea
  • Nancy Haque, Labor/Direct Action Network organizer in ’99, Executive Director of Basic Rights Oregon
  • David Solnit, Direct Action Network organizer in ’99, 350 Arts Organizer
  • Maru Mora Villalpando, Founder of La Resistencia (NW Detention Center Resistance) and Latino Advocacy
  • Lisa Fithian, Author of Shut It Down: Stories from a Fierce, Loving Resistance
  • Matt Remle (Lakota) co-founder of Mazaska Talks
  • Alec Connon, 350SeattleTown Hall Seattle, Community Alliance for Global Justice, & UFCW 21.


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