
Beyond Impact: Multi-cycle Power Building Towards a Progressive BIPOC-led Decade

Host Organization: Tides Advocacy


Electoral outcomes have an outsized impact on the lives of BIPOC communities, yet no one “win” on election day will deliver collective liberation. BIPOC-led movements are expanding their work to include electoral organizing, using direct political influence to achieve their long-term policy and power building goals. This means building sustained community engagement at the local level, pushing candidates towards greater alignment with movement demands, linking policy advocacy to electoral initiatives, and envisioning change during and in between election cycles.

Time and again, community members demand tangible near-term change, and a political landscape that represents their agendas. However, cycle-to-cycle funding and white voter-centered campaign strategy undermine this vision. How have organizations connected electoral organizing to long-term movement building work? What c4 ecosystem supports are needed to advance power building multi-cycle electoral initiatives, and build capacities to take advantage of success gained from these efforts?

This session will explore strategies to build independent political power across multiple cycles for sustained change, and reflect on visions for transforming the political landscape over the next 10 years consistent with BIPOC-led social movement principles. 


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