
Change, Transition, and the Practice of Naming Adaptive Challenges

Host Organization: CompassPoint


Over 70% of all organizational change efforts fail. Why?  Because most often, organizational attention is focused solely on the change, i.e. the external event. What is often ignored or downplayed is naming a change that responds deeply with our rapidly external shifting environment and understanding how to lead people through transition. Getting people through transition is essential if the change is actually going to work.  And, when you are leading a team or an organization through difficult change – when leadership counts – you will inevitably challenge what people hold dear – their daily habits, their loyalties, and their ways of thinking.  Drawing on the work of William Bridges, Ronald Heifetz and bell hooks,  this interactive session will examine the intersection of change, transition and equity-based adaptive challenges as well as offer strategies for managing change and naming your organization’s adaptive challenge. Organizational or project-based teams are highly encouraged to attend together.

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