
Discussion on the Coronavirus

Host Organization: World Affairs Council of Seattle


On December 31, 2019, China alerted the World Health Organization (WHO) of multiple flu-like cases in Wuhan, the capital of Hubei province. Shortly after, the seafood market in Wuhan was identified as the suspected hub of the outbreak and a week later the virus was identified as the Coronavirus. The virus started to spread and on January 31, 2020, a month after the first reported case, the WHO declared a global health emergency. Since the outbreak, the death toll has mounted as the virus spreads. To try to slow the outbreak, governments around the world have issued travel bans and enforced quarantines. Businesses everywhere are feeling the economic impact and misinformation is spreading. Is the global community responding effectively – and are we prepared?

Join the World Affairs Council and the Washington State China Relations Council on February 13 for a rapid response panel discussion on the local, national, and global responses to epidemics like coronavirus. Confirmed panelists are Gabrielle Fitzgerald, President and CEO, Panorama Global, and Dr. Ann Marie Kimball, Senior Consulting Fellow at the Chatham House Royal Institute of Foreign Affairs and a Strategic Consultant in Global Health at the Rockefeller Foundation.


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