
Effective Partnership In Global Health

Host Organization: Global WA


We are honored to host Rotary International’s first female President Jennifer Jones and CEO John Hewko to Seattle in July. Rotary International has a long history in supporting global health in low and middle income countries. They have been instrumental in the fight to eradicate polio for the past 30 years. More recently, The Rotary Foundation awarded $2 million to Partners for a Malaria-Free Zambia, a Disease Prevention and Treatment program led by Rotary clubs in the U.S. and Zambia that is using the grant to build more capacity over the next three to five years to protect 1.2 million people in Zambia from the devastating effects of malaria. Partners in this program include the Gates Foundation and World Vision U.S. who are each co-investing another $2 million to the program, as well as PATH and Malaria Partners International. Join us on July 13 to learn about effective partnerships to improve global health outcomes around the world.

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