
Ensuring All Students Graduate College And Career Ready

Host Organization: Washington Regional Association of Grantmakers


Eligible to attend: WRAG Members (please register online; free) Non-Member Education Funders (please email Rebekah, seder(at)washingtongrantmakers.org to register; $50)

In the final program in WRAG's 2017 public education learning series, we will explore what it takes to ensure that all young people graduate on-time from high school, fully prepared with the skills they need for college and a meaningful career. Join us to hear from a panel of experts from education, philanthropy, and government. Further details coming soon!

Kim Ford, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education, US Department of Education


Shirley Bazdar, Director, Career and Technical & Adult Education, Loudoun County Public Schools (retired)
Michelle Gilliard, Partner, Venture Philanthropy Partners
Maria Tukeva, Principal, Columbia Heights Education Campus

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