
Exponent Philanthropy’s 2018 National Conference

Host Organization: Exponent Philanthropy


Exponent Philanthropy’s biennial National Conference is the largest gathering of foundations, families, and individuals who give with few or no staff. Our national conferences have a strong reputation for engaging the head and heart, providing meaningful opportunities to connect and learn collaboratively, and radiating a welcoming culture that makes everyone feel part of a supportive community.

The 2018 National Conference is designed specifically to:

  • Inform and inspire through first-rate content.
  • Celebrate and champion the outsized impact of our vibrant community.
  • Foster personal and professional connections with colleagues, advisors, and field leaders.

We expect attendance of 1000 individuals, including donors, trustees, and staff from all types of foundations; individual donors and philanthropic families; donor advised fund holders and managers; philanthropic support organizations; philanthropic service professionals; and thought leaders in the field of philanthropy.

Educational content spans the philanthropic landscape and is delivered through provocative keynote talks, interactive sessions, site visits, and informal idea exchange. Sessions are designed to address the specific challenges faced by funders with few or no staff by building and strengthening core skills, examining advanced topics, and exploring trends. The conference also offers multiple opportunities for participants to connect with each other and build relationships that last beyond the conference experience.

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