
Flexing Your Biggest Muscle: Shareholder Engagement for Foundations

Host Organization: Philanthropy New York and Confluence Philanthropy


There is increasing awareness about the importance of foundations having a positive impact with their investments by aligning their endowments with their grantmaking. Shareholder engagement is one way that foundations can influence a company’s behavior by exercising their rights as partial owners. However, shareholder engagement is tool that’s under-utilized by foundations, given a common lack of collaboration between program staff and a foundation’s investment advisors or asset managers.

Come and learn from diverse set of experts in the sector about what shareholder engagement is, where shareholder engagement works, and how to get your Foundation started on aligning its assets with its values.

What will you learn?

  • Ways shareholder activism can advance mission-related work in various issue areas
  • First steps foundations can take to explore shareholder engagement opportunities
  • How to work with investment advisors and/or asset managers to get started

Who Should Attend?

All interested funders, regardless of role within your foundation. What to expect: presentation followed by breakout discussions.


How do I sign up?

Members: Log in and click the Register Now link above to register yourself and/or a colleague at your organization. (no fee)

Members of Collaborators: Please email register@philanthropynewyork.org with your name, title, organizational affiliation, business mailing address, and phone number. Please indicate by which organizer you were invited. (no fee)

Non-Members: Please email register@philanthropynewyork.org. ($150 fee)

What else should I know?

Registration is required by January 25th.

Registrants will receive the webinar link a day prior to the program.

Please note: To ensure fairness among our members, we reserve the right to limit the number of attendees per organization for select professional development programs.

Please email register@philanthropynewyork.org with questions or for further information on this program or on eligibility.

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