
Funding COVID-19 Response in India: How an Urgent Crisis Affects Us All

Host Organization: Center for Disaster Philanthropy


After 16 months of COVID-19, we are all tired – of masks, lockdowns, illness, losing friends and family. But in some countries – India and Brazil in particular – the crisis has reached new heights.

Official reports indicate that India, the world’s second-most populous country, is recording a million new cases every three days and has reached more than 200,000 deaths. Most experts believe these numbers to be a mere fraction of what’s taking place and estimate three cases for every one reported. They also anticipate a potential death toll of a million people by Aug. 1.

New variants are responsible for much of the illness. The longer a virus survives, the more capable it is of creating mutations. Consequently, vaccines are not as effective, and the pandemic will continue as new versions of the SARS-CoV-2 virus spread worldwide.

The Center for Disaster Philanthropy (CDP) is hosting a webinar to look at the COVID-19 crisis in India. Speakers will share the latest information, including critical needs and gaps, and provide concrete takeaways for funders to effectively support relief and recovery efforts now underway.


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