
Goalmakers 2020: National Forum

Host Organization: Global WA


The Global Washington annual gathering is the premier event for global development practitioners, funders, and partners on the West Coast. This year, we are going virtual and expanding our scope and global reach.

The Goalmakers National Forum will be the culmination of conversations taking place out of seven cities across the U.S. The National Forum will challenge and inspire participants to reimagine global development given this moment in history.

2020 will be remembered as a year of massive global disruption and upheaval. The overlapping crises of the pandemic and anger about inequality have also created an opportunity to reset, reimagine, and rebuild existing systems for a more equitable future. Those in the global development community are responding to urgent needs and re-evaluating their role in the world with a frame of de-colonization.

And, we already have a roadmap for this work – the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Each goal lays out specific targets to achieve a common vision. The pandemic has upended progress on many of these targets, and it is up to us chart a new, more equitable course of action for our future.

Goalmakers are those who are singularly focused on building a more equitable, healthy, and prosperous world for everyone. They know that it isn’t going to be easy. But by working together, we have what it takes to succeed.

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Speakers and Agenda Coming Soon

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Full National Forum Entry Pass: $80 USD for access to both days of live events.

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