
How do We Build Capacity to Navigate Complex Situations with Clients? [Webinar]

Host Organization: National Network of Consultants to Grantmakers


Philanthropy’s Reflective Practices is a project of Philanthropy Northwest to find and share practices used by philanthropy practitioners to navigate the hardy perennial challenges that crop up in  most complex organizational and programmatic situations. We talked to foundation CEOs, administrators and program officers across the country about learning and leading in moments when there is no one right way to solve a problem and the only thing you can control is yourself. We collected dozens of stories and posted them on a website while we thought through what we could learn and share from them as a collective.

This webinar is an opportunity to hear more about the project, its evolution into a guide to 4 core reflective practices that can be easily adopted by practitioners and how the practices can be used by consultants with clients in challenging situations. By reflective practices, we mean learning to observe yourself and others, developing sense-making tools to figure out what is going on beneath the surface and trying new behaviors to get to better outcomes. Like our interviewees, you have done this even if you didn’t know about the theory behind what you were doing.

The webinar includes a slide presentation of the project and details about how individuals and  groups have used the 4 practices inside foundations. Jan Jaffe, formerly of GrantCraft at the Ford Foundation and now a senior partner at The Giving Project will tell the story of  the project and why reflective practice shows promise as a learning tool that can help us build what we bring to our work. She will be joined by colleagues at The Giving Practice who will share their experience using reflective practices with CEOs, collaboratives and teams in foundations and philanthropy-serving organizations to go deeper into DEI challenges, face unspoken orthodoxies that keep change from taking place and strengthen teamwork for working on tough issues.

In addition to being an opportunity to learn about Philanthropy’s Reflective Practices and tools you can download and use with your clients, we’d like to share an idea for an exchange of reflective practices among philanthropy-serving consultants, learning officers and philanthropy-serving organizations. The purpose would be for feedback and to promote their usage as open-source concepts and tools. Interested in one or both of these topics? Join us!

When you register, we will send you a worksheet with examples of reflective practices used by people in philanthropy before, during and after challenging actions. We’d like you to send us an example of your practice – either something on the list or better, something you do that is not listed.  We’ll collect that information and share it anonymously during the webinar.

Jan Jaffe, senior partner, The Giving Practice
Ted Lord, senior partner, The Giving Practice
Sindu Knotz, managing partner, The Giving Practice


NNCG Members:  FREE
Non-Members: $55.00
2-webinar package*:  $100.00
3-webinar package*:  $135.00
*Purchase of a 2 or 3 webinar package allows the buyer to attend this plus additional NNCG webinar(s) for up to 1 year from purchase date.  Please email lori.jane@nncg.org with your additional selections.

This webinar is from 1:00pm-2:00pm EST. 

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