
How to Fix the Future

Host Organization: Town Hall Seattle


The Internet has morphed from a tool providing efficiencies for consumers and businesses to an elemental force that is profoundly reshaping our societies and our world. Former Internet entrepreneur Andrew Keen was among the earliest to write about the potential dangers that the Internet poses to our culture and society. Now he takes our stage with his new book How to Fix the Future, looking to the past to learn how we might change our future. Keen discusses how societies tamed the excesses of the Industrial Revolution, which—like its digital counterpart—demolished long-standing models of living, ruined harmonious environments, and altered the business world beyond recognition. Keen is joined onstage by Alex Stonehill, Head of Creative Strategy at University of Washington’s Communication and Leadership Program.

Together Keen and Stonehill identify five key tools: regulation, competitive innovation, social responsibility, worker and consumer choice, and education. They share how these tools have become global solutions for responsible digital practice: from digital-oriented Estonia, where every citizen can freely access any data the government possesses about them in an online database; to Singapore, where a large portion of the higher education sector consists in professional courses on coding and website design. Keen and Stonehill bring us together for an urgent conversation about individual and societal steps for preserving human values in an increasingly digital world.

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