
Journeys to Equity: Becoming a Better Ally Series

Host Organization: Exponent Philanthropy


BEFORE YOU REGISTER— there are two ways to advance your equity journey with other lean funders in the coming months:

Becoming a Better Ally Series: 

This three-month, 4-part series will take place from January-March, 2021. This program will not be recorded and is limited to 50 participants.

Whitney Parnell, executive director and co-founder of Service Never Sleeps (SNS), will facilitate this powerful program, offer guidance to participants throughout the series, and create an environment where connections can be made with each other.

There will be an optional 30-minute (4:30-5:00 PM) Q&A with Whitney Parnell after each session. If you are interested in attending, please indicate so during registration.

Sessions 1 and 2

Allyship Essentials Workshop  January 12 & 13, 2021 | 2-4:30 PM ET

We begin with this training as an empowering way to promote racial equity and justice as a lifestyle. The workshop helps participants identify their areas of privilege, and apply tools to be effective allies through manners of centering people experiencing marginalization, self/mirror work, and influencing others. Using SNS’ CLAIM framework (Care, Learn, Act, Influence, Maintain), this workshop will explore what it means to adopt an allyship lifestyle. You’ll leave this workshop committed to the Allyship lifestyle, and prepared to facilitate change in your own workspace.

If you’re interested in ONLY attending this foundational workshop, it will be offered as a stand-alone event in early December 2020

Session 3

White Supremacy 101  February 10, 2021 | 2-4:30 PM ET

Leveraging the January allyship workshop as a foundation, the third training in this series outlines white supremacy as an institution, its persistence in the present-day, and its common forms in organizations. In this interactive session, facilitator Whitney Parnell guides you toward understanding white supremacy as a construct of dominance and culture, and she facilitates active unpacking and identifying of white supremacy culture in your life and work. Gain a better understanding of racism as a structural upholding of white supremacy through systemic means. Tools will also be provided to actively identify and unlearn white supremacy moving forward.

Session 4

Bias & Microaggressions  March 10, 2021 | 2-4:30 PM ET

The final installment of the series focuses on the individual and interpersonal aspects of racism. Learn how our mental processes condition unconscious stereotypes that affect conclusions we draw and the actions we take. Learn how microaggressions are common and painful ways that implicit bias, systems, and stereotypes manifest through society’s culture, particularly through individual comments and actions. Together we’ll explore common examples and drivers of microaggressions and learn steps for catching bias and limiting such harmful language and behavior to prevent the compounding of immense harm.


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