
OpenForGood Means Being Open For All [Webinar]

Host Organization: National Network of Consultants to Grantmakers


#OpenForGood, a new open knowledge movement being spearheaded by Foundation  Center, is designed to encourage foundations to openly share their knowledge to accelerate the good they want to see in the world.

Embracing open knowledge has many benefits including: reducing duplication of effort, helping others avoid failed approaches, scaling ideas that work, creating an equitable playing field so that critical knowledge is not only available to foundation insiders, and facilitating the lifting up of community-based expertise in ways that influence philanthropic strategy. A core principle of the #OpenForGood movement is that what you know shouldn’t just be about who you know.

This webinar will explore the principles of open knowledge, inspiring examples of foundation leaders that are pushing their institutions to be more open for greater equity and the greater good, newly available tools and resources, and how we as consultants can support this movement.

Janet Camarena, Director of Transparency Initiatives for the Foundation Center and Clare Nolan, Co-Founder of Engage R+D, will co-lead the webinar. Rev. Starsky D. Wilson, President and CEO of the Deaconess Foundation and Kim Ammann Howard, Director of Impact Assessment and Learning for the James Irvine Foundation will serve as panelists. Our discussion will include opportunity for to dig into factors driving participants successes and challenges in supporting foundations to share their knowledge.

Register Today -- https://nncgopenforgood.eventbrite.com

NNCG Members:  FREE
Non-Members: $55.00
2-webinar package*:  $100.00
3-webinar package*:  $135.00
*Purchase of a 2 or 3 webinar package allows the buyer to attend this plus additional NNCG webinar(s) for up to 1 year from purchase date.  Please email lori.jane@nncg.org with your additional selections.

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