
Philanthropic Collaboration to Prevent Lead Poisoning: Lead Reduction Funders’ Working Meeting

Host Organization: Health and Environmental Funders Network


Lead exposure—whether it’s from water, air, soil, food, consumer products, paint or household dust—is a preventable hazard that has for too long endangered the health of children, families, and communities. Alongside their own investments, several foundations have begun to work more collectively to tackle lead exposures.

Join a national working meeting of funders interested in reducing, addressing, and preventing lead exposures, to be held on Tuesday, Nov. 27. The meeting will take place at the Renaissance Hotel in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, just before the 2018 annual meeting of the Health and Environmental Funders Network, which also will include programming related to lead exposure and children’s health. Register here for one or both events.

The November 27 Lead Reduction Funders’ working meeting will be held from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., beginning with a two-hour roundtable discussion with Pittsburgh community leaders regarding addressing lead exposure in their region. The program will include lunch from noon-1:15 p.m. followed by a funder-only discussion from 1:30 – 5:00 p.m.

The agenda-in-development for the working meeting includes time for:

  • Updates and peer exchanges;
  • Reports and discussion of ongoing or potential joint projects, including legal and financial scans and place-based collaborative investment; and
  • Discussion of interests in further collaboration.

This meeting builds on an April 18, 2018, funder roundtable hosted by The JPB Foundation, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and the Joyce Foundation on childhood lead poisoning prevention, as well as subsequent conversations among roundtable participants about interests in further collaboration. The planning committee for the Nov. 27 meeting includes Elizabeth Cisar, Joyce Foundation; Dan Cohn, Mt. Sinai Health Care Foundation; Cris Doby, Erb Foundation; Ogonnaya Dotson Newman, The JPB Foundation; Phil Johnson, The Heinz Endowments; Rebecca Morley, consultant, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation; and Kathy Sessions, Health and Environmental Funders Network (HEFN).

Registration cost is $250. Following Tuesday’s convening, funder attendees are invited to stay for the 2018 HEFN Annual Meeting, “The Environmental Health and Justice Majority: Raising Voices, Building Power,” on Wednesday, Nov. 28 – Friday, Nov. 30, with a lively program of learning opportunities related to drinking water, air quality, and strategies for strengthening community action on environmental health and justice problems.

Use the tabs at the top of the page to learn more about meeting registration and lodging information. Questions? Contact Cindy Glass, HEFN program associate.

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