
Philanthropic Resources Needed to Ensure an Accurate 2020 Census Count [Webinar]

Host Organization: Council on Foundations


On July 10, 2:00 p.m. ET, the Council will host a funders-only webinar with the Democracy Funders 2020 Census Subgroup. During this event, you will learn more about the national philanthropy strategy to ensure an accurate count on the 2020 census and understand what further resources are needed to execute an effective strategy that insures the hardest to reach are counted.

You will have a chance to:

  • ask questions of the steering committee leaders about the potential impacts of the Supreme Court decision on the citizenship question;
  • learn about new online trainings on building digital organizing skills for census outreach; and
  • understand why the subgroup needs to raise an additional $10 million to implement that last phases of the philanthropy strategy.

We hope you join us to learn about this imperative, particularly as the high court is expected to rule on the insertion of the citizenship question before it adjourns for the summer at the end of June.

Stephanie Powers, Vice President, Public Policy and Partnerships, Council on Foundations

Gary Bass, Executive Director, Bauman Foundation
Erika Wood, Program Officer, Ford Foundation

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