
Racial Equity Forum: Philanthropy and Government - DC

Host Organization: Council on Foundations


Council on Foundations and National League of Cities will convene three conversations across the United States on racial equity. With support from the Lumina Foundation, philanthropic and government leaders will come together to raise awareness about the social impact of structural racism while highlighting current efforts to dissolve and resolve racial conflict and disparity. Elected and appointed city, county, and state officials will join philanthropists in a panel discussion to identify how philanthropy and government can take actions that confront and dismantle structural racism.

9:00 - 9:30 a.m. — Networking Breakfast
9:30 - 11:00 a.m. — Racial Equity Forum
11:00 - 11:30 a.m. — Q&A

Speaker: Tamara Copeland
President and CEO, Washington Regional Association of Grantmakers

As WRAG President, Tamara is the organization’s major thought leader, helping to envision and implement work that meets the needs of the sector and of the region. She came to WRAG with extensive experience in nonprofit management, policy and children’s issues having led Voices for America’s Children, the National Health & Education Consortium, and the Infant Mortality Initiative of Southern Governors’ Association and Southern Legislative Conference as well as having been Congressman Bobby Scott’s (D-VA) Legislative Director. In 2017, Tamara was appointed as the Visiting Nielsen Fellow at Georgetown University’s McCourt School of Public Policy to explore the role of philanthropy in addressing racial equity in the DC region and co-teach a graduate seminar on philanthropy and racial justice.

This event is made possible thanks to our co-host, National League of Cities, and our sponsor, Lumina Foundation.

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