
Rebuilding Trust in Nonprofits and Philanthropy

Host Organization: Center for Effective Philanthropy and Council on Foundations


Join CEP and the Council on Foundations for a discussion about rebuilding trust in nonprofits and philanthropy.

Recent data and research from sources such as the Edelman Trust Barometer suggest declining trust in nonprofits and philanthropy in the United States. Fraying trust in institutions, perceptions that nonprofits and philanthropy are politicized, intensifying critiques of philanthropy as a “ruse” or self-promotion, increasing societal polarization, and well-publicized scandals all may play a part.

How does declining trust in institutions affect our ability as nonprofit organizations to make social change? Could it impact charitable giving? Lead to new governmental regulations? Or make it difficult to build the kinds of partnerships that advance our work? And what can and should philanthropy do to rebuild that trust?

This panel will discuss current challenges, opportunities, and examples to help guide our work.


Phil Buchanan, President, Center for Effective Philanthropy


  • LaTida Smith, President, The Winston-Salem Foundation
  • Chelsea Peters, Chief Strategy Officer, Walton Family Foundation
  • Beth Breeze, Director, Global Challenges Doctoral Centre and Centre for Philanthropy, University of Kent
  • Kathleen Enright, President & CEO, Council on Foundations

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