
Reimagining Career Pathways for (and with) Youth, Educators and Employers

Host Organization: Philanthropy New York's Education Working Group and New York City Youth Funders


Despite a growing economy, a tight labor market and low-unemployment, job gains for young adults in New York City over the last five years have largely been in low-wage, part-time jobs with limited opportunities to transition to full-time, family-sustaining career pathways.

A misalignment between the education system and the labor market exacerbates this problem in that schools place little emphasis on career preparation, exploration and workplace readiness while the economy continues to demand a more flexible, skilled, and adaptable workforce. The solution to this challenge requires that employers and the education and workforce development community work together to design and implement new strategies for preparing young people for the labor market of the future.

Join us as we highlight three innovative career pathways initiatives underway in New York City--Here to Here, MediaMKRS and Transfer 2 Career--that entail cross-sector partnerships between high schools, community based organizations, employers, and post-secondary programs, and share the goal of helping young people find a path to securing a living-wage job with opportunities for growth.

  • How each of these initiatives is building bridges between the employment and education sectors to ensure young people explore, prepare for, and embark on a meaningful career path
  • In what ways a career pathways approach changes the student experience
  • The challenges of this work and systems-level changes needed to bring it scale

Registration is required by June 12.

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