
Researching an End to Homelessness: Election Year Policy Ideas (College Students and Youth)

Host Organization: National Alliance to End Homelessness


The Hope Center, founded by Professor Sara Goldrick-Rab, has been at the forefront of exploring the homelessness- and hunger-related hardships of the nation’s college students. And researchers at Chapin Hall have long been exploring the challenges of homeless unaccompanied youth. Both have conducted recent research on the impact of COVID-19 on college students and youth. They will present their findings and related policy implications.


  • Sara Goldrick-Rab, Temple University, National Alliance to End Homelessness Research Council
  • Matthew Morton, Chapin Hall
  • Joy Moses, National Alliance to End Homelessness (Moderator)

This webinar is a part of the Researching an End to Homelessness: Policy Ideas for Election Year 2020 Webinar Speaker Series, which presents research-based solutions to ending homelessness developed by a list of researchers who have recently published in this area.


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