
The Science to Getting Inside the Brain of Your Audience

Host Organization: Northern California Grantmakers


Every day brings new insights from behavioral economics, psychology, and the social sciences that help us better understand how people think and why they do what they do.

The brain is a bit like a pinball machine. Messages go in. Sometimes they hit the right places and trigger the preferred response. Sometimes they hit the wrong spots and people are alienated and reject the messaging. Still other times, you lose the ball altogether and have to start all over again.

Mindful Messaging harnesses the ever-expanding knowledge about attitudes, social norms, and aspirations and offers guidance for applying these insights to social change efforts. It helps us thoughtfully consider who we are trying to engage, anticipate how their brains might process messaging we use, and keeps us from making predictable mistakes that hinder our efforts instead of moving us forward. And it helps facilitate two-way communication so messaging leads to useful dialogue about important issues rather than dead ends.

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