
Seattle Works Day

Host Organization: Seattle Works


Seattle Works Day is your chance to give back and kick back.
Join 1,000 Seattleites as we volunteer at over 50 nonprofits, schools, and parks to give back to the city we love!

10am - 2pm: Volunteer Projects
3:30pm - 5:30pm: After Party at Pyramid Alehouse, Brewery, & Restaurant

Project: Alleycat Acres Urban Farm (Rainier Beach) - Ages 13+

Alleycat Acres reconnects people, place, and produce by transforming underutilized spaces into a network of neighborhood run farms. On Seattle Works Day, we will be sheet mulching at the Duwamish Greenline - a native plant restoration project to strengthen community and pollinator habitat. This technique of laying down cardboard and wood chips will help suppress invasive plant species and build soil. Sheet mulching is the first step to most of our urban farm projects. It lays down a solid foundation for the edible native plants we will be installing in the fall.

This project is the pilot of a greater vision to plant native species under the City Light transmission lines running along the Duwamish river valley. We chose our pilot location due to its pre-existing public use sidewalk and well established native bee communities. Once complete, the site will provide a beautiful and engaging trail through edible native plant species in addition to benefiting pollinators, soil health, and storm water.


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