
Social Network Analysis - Mapping Your Nonprofit Connections

Host Organization: 501 Commons


Your nonprofit’s network is much larger than you might realize. When you consider the people your staff, volunteers, donors, partners, and board members all have connections with, think about the beneficial relationships you might be missing out on!
Your new collaborator, major gift prospect, high level volunteer, dynamic board member, or like-minded policymaker could be only a few degrees of separation away. But how would you know that unless you had a way of seeing this untapped relational network clearly mapped out?

This fast-paced, two-hour 501 Talks Tech session will explore “Social Network Analysis,” a process of visually diagramming your interpersonal network, direct and indirect connections, and opportunities that can come about from being aware of this data. Creating your very own network map can inform you about how you can better leverage your relationships toward improving your programs, operations, fundraising, recruiting, and marketing.

The technology focus will be on NodeXL, an open-source Microsoft Excel plugin that can help you improve your knowledge of the connections that are sitting right under your nose.

At this workshop, we will:

Explore why Social Network Analysis matters to nonprofits
Understand what a Network Map is, and how to decode one
Follow a step-by-step tutorial to source, load, visualize, and analyze network data
Allow adequate time for questions and practice
Show pathways for additional learning and development
Don't miss this engaging and informative workshop!


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