
Supporting LGBTQ Communities of Color in Times of Emergency

Host Organization: Southern California Grantmakers


LGBTQ people of color, and especially transgender women of color and transgender black men, experience disproportionate levelsĀ of abuse, hate violence, homicide, and PTSD.

How well protected will LGBTQ residents of color be in Los Angeles County during times of emergency such as earthquakes, fires, disease outbreaks, extreme weather, acts of terrorism, and mass shootings? What does it mean to gather with neighbors and shelter or rebuild in community when the people around you may see you as subhuman?

While many low-income LGBTQ people of color live in a near-constant state of emergency, they also bring experience and strengths that can help shape our housing, employment, healthcare, transportation and mental health services for the better. In partnership with the LA County Department of Public Health, Community Partners has convened 25 LA County-based LGBTQ leaders of color for a series of dialogues examining the needs, assets, and resilience of LGBTQ people of color.

Join us for a dialogue with transgender and queer leaders of color in LA County on the role government agencies and nonprofit organizations can play to support LGBTQ communities of color in preparation for timesĀ of emergency and beyond. Lunch will be provided.

Speakers include:
Amita Swadhin, Mirror Memoirs
Jaden Fields
Lilac Maldonado


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