
Time to Act [Webinar]

Host Organization: United Philanthropy Forum


"If you underfund the Census, you get an undercount," says Kenneth Prewitt, who directed the bureau during the 2000 Census. "And if you don't count people, they are politically invisible, in effect." (Time, May 2017). Considering the funding and planning challenges facing Census 2020, it's imperative that philanthropy take action now to support a fair and accurate count.

Join us to learn more about options for you and your organization to take policy action on the federal/state/local levels, and coordinate with your nonprofit community to support the decennial census.

•    Terri Ann Lowenthal, Census Consultant with Funders' Committee for Civic Participation's Funders Census Initiative
•    Debbie McKeon, Senior Vice President of Member Services, Council of Michigan Foundations
•    Daranee Petsod, President of Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees (GCIR)

To register follow this link: https://www.unitedphilforum.org/events/census-2020-time-act

For more information on the census visit our Census 2020 webpage: https://www.unitedphilforum.org/census2020


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