
What Happens After the "Win"?

Host Organization: Funder's Committee for Civic Participation


Funders and stakeholders alike can be so focused on the policy or advocacy campaign “win” that planning for steps after the campaign can take a backseat. And yet, we know that getting a ballot measure or piece of legislation passed is just one step of many towards creating meaningful and lasting change.

Funders will learn about:

  • The challenges and successes of implementing a policy from the field, including work to defend gains we make
  • What aspects of implementation funders have been able to support with 501(c)(3) investments
  • A discussion of what more could happen if there was increased philanthropic support.

Although the case studies of this briefing will focus on money in politics reforms, we know that these lessons are not unique to this space. We welcome all funders interested in a robust discussion about what comes after “winning” a policy reform to join us!

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