
What One City Can Teach Us About Homelessness

Host Organization: KNKX and The Seattle Times


Homelessness on the West Coast is rising to crisis levels, even at a time of historic economic growth and prosperity. To understand why, KNKX Public Radio and The Seattle Times‘ Project Homeless team spent one year watching homelessness unfold in Olympia, Washington.

Reporting from the streets, under bridges, and inside encampments, KNKX and Project Homeless partnered to produce a new podcast series, Outsiders, that tells the story of that year.

Listen to excerpts from the new podcast and hear from the people who made it. KNKX reporter Will James and The Seattle Times’ Project Homeless team members Vianna Davila, Scott Greenstone and Sydney Brownstone share what they’ve learned and pull back the curtain on their reporting process.

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