
Women Powering Philanthropy: Exploring Giving to Women’s Foundations and Funds

Host Organization: Philanthropy NW


The social and philanthropic sectors are awakening to the critical importance of advancing womxn's and girls' causes. A growing body of research from the Women’s Philanthropy Institute (WPI) demonstrates that women's foundation and fund donors - the vast majority of whom are women - are adopting a more holistic, integrated approach to charitable giving. They give more, are more engaged, and give more strategically. New research shows that these donors are more likely to see themselves as activist donors or philanthropic leaders and are more likely to take steps to give effectively (e.g. serving on a nonprofit board and talking to other donors). They are driven by the prospect of giving back to the community and motivated by the belief that their gift can make a difference.

As gender equity continues to grow as a philanthropic priority, these donors demonstrate again and again what it means to lead through their generosity. What is it that makes donors to women's foundations and funds so dedicated and engaged? And what can others in the philanthropy and nonprofit sector learn from them?

Join Northwest women's foundation representatives and the Women's Philanthropy Institute for a deep dive and exploration on what makes this work so unique - and how we can continue to inform the philanthropic field.

Please note, this event will be virtual so as to make it accessible across our six-state region.

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