
Wonder Girls: Changing Our World

Host Organization: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Visitor Center


Around the world, girls are trafficked, married off too young, denied education, and equality---and that’s just the beginning. But there is inspiring news: girls are banding together, finding strength in numbers, and fighting against those threats.

Join acclaimed author-photographer Paola Gianturco who will share stories and photographs about real-life wonder girls from her travels to fifteen girl-led groups in thirteen countries.

Learn more about the book: wondergirlsbook.com
The book will be available for purchase by Elliott Bay Book Company at the program.

Learn ways for you to get involved in empowering women and girls. Connect with the following organizations throughout the evening.

  • World Affairs Council
  • Girl Up
  • You Grow Girl
  • Young Women Empowered
  • Global Fund for Women

About Wonder Girls: Changing our World
Wonder Girls features 15 groups of girls who are tackling challenges in 13 countries in the Americas, Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and Oceania. Paola Gianturco and her 11-year-old granddaughter co-author, Alex Sangster, interviewed and photographed 102 girls, each of whom tells her own story in her own words. Global Fund for Women President & CEO, Dr. Musimbi Kanyoro, contributed the foreword for the book and one hundred percent of the authors’ royalties from Wonder Girls go to Global Fund for Women.


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