
Working Across Systems to Prevent and End Homelessness

Host Organization: Funders Together to End Homelessness and Philanthropy West Virginia


In May, Philanthropy West Virginia and Funders Together to End Homelessness partnered on a webinar to talk about the root causes of homelessness and solutions that work to end homelessness. Now that groundwork has been laid, join us on August 26 for the second webinar in this two-part series.

People do not lead single-issue lives, and so our approaches to preventing and ending homelessness cannot be single-issue solutions. Housing stability tied to successful outcomes in every other system, whether that’s employment, education, or health. In this webinar, we’ll explore how homelessness intersects with other systems and what funders are doing at these intersections.

By the end of this webinar, we hope participants will know:

  • How housing stability impacts the outcomes of systems such as employment, education, and health,
  • What communities and funders are doing to work across these systems, and
  • What additional resources are available for funders wanting to gain deeper knowledge about how homelessness intersects the issue areas they care about


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